Members of the Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and Executive Officers

Members of the Board of Directors

Toshihiko Hamada

Representative Director, President CEO


April 1981 Joined the Company
July 2002 Executive vice president responsible for Specialty Gas Technology, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.
October 2005 Deputy general manager of Semiconductor Gas Section of Electronics Division, the Company
April 2006 General manager of Semiconductor Gas Section of Electronics Division, the Company
January 2010 Subordinate directly to general manager of Electronics Division and general manager of Business Strategy Promotion Section, the Company
June 2014 Managing director, Nissan TANAKA Corporation
June 2016 Senior managing director, Nissan TANAKA Corporation
June 2017 President and representative director, Nissan TANAKA Corporation
June 2020 Director, executive vice president of the Company (Aide to the President)
June 2021 Representative Director, President CEO (current)

Kenji Nagata

Member of the Board,
Representative Director and President,
Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation


April 1981 Joined the Company
June 2009 President, National Oxygen Pte. Ltd. (now Leeden National Oxygen Ltd.)
June 2013 Executive officer, general manager of North Kanto Branch
April 2016 Executive officer, deputy general manager of Industrial Gases Division, general manager of Gases Business Unit, and general manager of Product Management Unit
June 2016 Senior executive officer, deputy general manager of Industrial Gases Division, general manager of Gases Business Unit, and general manager of Product Management Unit
April 2017 Senior executive officer, and general manager of Industrial Gases Division
June 2018 Senior managing executive officer, director, and general manager of Industrial Gases Division
October 2020 Director of the Company, and representative director and president of Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation (current)

Thomas Scott Kallman

Member of the Board,
Chairman and CEO, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc


July 1981 Joined BOC Group, plc
January 2000 Vice president, general manager responsible for Eastern Region, BOC Group, plc
January 2005 Executive vice president responsible for Industrial Gas Group, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.
January 2008 Senior executive vice president and COO, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.
June 2009 President and COO, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.
January 2013 President and CEO, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc
June 2017 Chairman, President, and CEO, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.
April 2019 Chairman and CEO, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. (current)
June 2019 Director of the Company (current)

Raoul Giudici

Member of the Board,
Executive Vice President, Nippon Gases Euro-Holding S.L.U.


September 1995 Joined Rivoira S.p.A. (now Nippon Gases Italia S.r.l.)
March 2004 Director Marketing and Bulk Sales Development, Revoira S.p.A.
February 2007 European Marketing Director , Praxair Euroholding S.L.
January 2010 Sales and Marketing Director Italy, Rivoira S.p.A.
February 2013 Managing Director, Rivoira S.p.A.
November 2013 Managing Director and President, Rivoira S.p.A.
January 2015 Managing Director and President, Praxair Italia S.r.l. (now Nippon Gases Italia S.r.l.)
April 2024 Executive Vice President, Nippon Gases Euro-Holding S.L.U. (current)

Miri Hara

Member of the Board (Outside Director)


June 1988 Director, Hara Estate K.K. (current)
October 2017 Founder and partner, Tax Corporation Yokohama Benten Accounting, Inc. (current)
June 2020 Outside director, SECOM Co., Ltd. (current)
June 2021 Outside director of the Company (current)

Katsumi Nagasawa

Member of the Board (Outside Director)


April 1980 Joined Hitachi, Ltd.
April 2006 General manager of Nuclear Power Business Development & Management Division, Nuclear Systems Division, Power Systems Group, Hitachi, Ltd.
October 2008 Vice president of Hitachi Power Systems America, Ltd. (now Mitsubishi Power Americas, Inc.)
October 2010 General manager of Global Business Division, Power Systems Company, Hitachi, Ltd.
January 2011 General manager of Global Business Division, Power Systems Company, Hitachi, Ltd. and CSO of Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.
April 2012 Corporate officer for Hitachi, Ltd,; General manager of Hitachi Works, Power Systems Company, Power Systems Group, Hitachi, Ltd.
April 2014 Managing corporate executive officer, President & CEO of Power Systems Company, Power Systems Group, Hitachi, Ltd.
April 2016 Managing corporate executive officer, CEO of Nuclear Business Unit, Hitachi, Ltd.
April 2017 Senior corporate officer for Hitachi, ltd., general manager of Global Nuclear Business Division, Nuclear Business Unit, Hitachi, Ltd.
April 2019 Chairman of the Board, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.
April 2020 Outside director, Sugino Machine Limited (current)
June 2022 Outside director of the Company (current)

Masako Miyatake

Member of the Board (Outside Director)


April 1983 Joined The Chase Manhattan Bank N.A (now JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.)
October 2002 Registered as an attorney (Deregistered in 2011 to study abroad and reregistered in 2014)
October 2002 Joined Koga & Partners
June 2004 Joined Asahi & Koma Law Offices (now Nishimura & Asahi)
November 2014 Joined Nakano Law Office
November 2014 Reconciliator, Dispute Reconciliation Center for Nuclear Damage Compensation regarding Fukushima Nuclear Plant, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (current)
April 2015 Conciliation Commissioner, Tokyo Family Court (current)
April 2018 Joined Blakemore & Mitsuki (current)
December 2018 Deputy Secretary-General, Japan International Dispute Resolution Center
March 2019 Outside director, SUMIDA CORPORATION
April 2021 Professor, Keio University Law School
June 2022 Outside director of the Company (current)
June 2024 Visiting Professor, Keio University Law School (current)

Hideo Nakajima

Member of the Board (Outside Director)


April 1978 Joined the Ministry of Finance of Japan
July 2002 Director General of Budgeting and Personnel Management, Asian Development Bank (in Manila, Philippines)
July 2005 Commissioner, Japan Fair Trade Commission (in charge of international affairs)
January 2014 Secretary General, Japan Fair Trade Commission
September 2017 Special Advisor, White & Case LLP/White & Case Law Offices (Registered Association) (current)
June 2023 Outside director of the Company (current)

Katsuhito Yamaji

Member of the Board (Outside Director)


April 1982 Joined Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
April 2003 Director, Yamaha Motor da Amazonia Ltda.
July 2009 Senior General Manager, Manufacturing and Engineering Section, Technology Center, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
March 2012 Executive Officer, Senior General Manager, EG Manufacturing Section, Manufacturing Center, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
January 2014 Executive Officer, Chief General Manager, Manufacturing Center, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
March 2015 Senior Executive Officer, Chief General Manager, Manufacturing Center, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
January 2017 Senior Executive Officer, Chief General Manager, Manufacturing Center, concurrently in charge of Procurement Center, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
March 2017 Senior Executive Officer and Director, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
March 2019 Managing Executive Officer and Director, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
March 2022 Advisor, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (current)
June 2023 Outside director of the Company (current)

Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Satoshi Wataru

Audit & Supervisory Board Member 


April 1985 Joined the Company
August 2008 General manager of Finance Department, General Affairs Division
July 2014 Deputy general manager of Human Resources Department
June 2015 Executive officer, deputy general manager of Human Resources Department
June 2016 Executive officer, general manager of Human Resources Department
August 2016 Executive officer, general manager of Human Resources Department, CHO
April 2017 Executive officer, general manager of Human Resources Department, officer of Corporate Planning Office, CHO
October 2020 Executive officer, Group Human Resources and Corporate Secretariat Office, general manager of Human Resources Department, CHO, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation;
Member of the Board, executive officer, general manager of Human Resources Department, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
April 2021 Executive officer, Group Human Resources and Corporate Secretariat Office, general manager of Human Resources Department, CHO, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation;
Member of the Board, senior executive officer, head of Corporate Unit, general manager of Human Resources Department, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
June 2021 Senior executive officer, Group Human Resources and Corporate Secretariat Office, general manager of Human Resources Department, CHO, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation;
Member of the Board, senior executive officer, head of Corporate Unit, general manager of Human Resources Department, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
June 2023 Supervisory Board member (current)

Akihiro Hashimoto

Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside Auditor)


April 1983 Joined The Fuji Bank, Limited (now Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
April 2010 Executive officer and general manager of Americas Financial Products Division of Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. (now Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
April 2012 Managing executive officer in charge of branches, Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (to July 2013)
April 2013 Managing executive officer in charge of corporate banking, Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd.
July 2013 Managing executive officer in charge of corporate banking, Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (Mizuho Bank, Ltd. and Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. merged to form the current Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
April 2014 Senior general manager, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
April 2014 Resigned from Mizuho Bank, Ltd
May 2014 Senior general manager, Sharp Corporation
June 2014 Director and executive managing officer, Sharp Corporation
June 2016 Resigned from Sharp Corporation
June 2016 Senior general manager, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
June 2017 Resigned from senior general manager position at Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
Outside auditor of the Company (current)

Kentaro Akashi

Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside Auditor),
Corporate Auditor (Part-Time), Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation


April 1984 Joined Fuji Bank, Ltd. (now Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
April 2008 General Manager of Products Operation Management Department, Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. (now Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
April 2010 General manager, Hong Kong Branch, Mizuho Corporate Bank
April 2011 Executive Officer, General Manager of Hong Kong Corporate Banking Division No. 1 and No.2, Mizuho Corporate Bank Hong Kong
July 2013 Executive Officer, General Manager of Hong Kong Corporate Banking Division No. 1 and No.2, Mizuho Bank Hong Kong
April 2014 Managing Executive Officer, Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd., Chairman of Mizuho Securities Asia Limited, In charge of Investment Banking Group
April 2015 Managing Executive Officer, Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd., Chairman of Mizuho Securities Asia Limited, In charge of Investment Banking Business
April 2016 Managing Executive Officer, Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd., Chairman of Mizuho Securities Asia Limited, In charge of Global Investment Banking Business
April 2017 Senior General Manager, Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
June 2017 Executive in charge of investment management, Corporate Strategy Division, JTB Corp.
April 2018 Executive Officer, In charge of Investment Strategy, Corporate Strategy Division, JTB Corp.
April 2021 Executive Officer, In charge of Investment Financial Strategy, JTB Corp.
April 2024 Advisor of the Company
June 2024 Outside auditor of the Company (current)

Kohei Ichiya

Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside Auditor)


April 1987 Joined Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Limited (now Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation)
April 2013 Group Manager of Corporate Strategy Office, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation (now Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation)
April 2017 Group Manager, Corporate Management Department, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
April 2018 General Manager, Finance Department, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporate Staff, Inc. (now Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation)
April 2020 Director, General Manager of Finance and Accounting Division, Japan Polychem Corporation
April 2024 Advisor of the Company
June 2024 Outside auditor of the Company (current)

Executive Officers

Tsutomu Moroishi

Senior Executive Officer, In charge of Strategic Projects


April 1984 Joined the Company
November 1991 Assigned to the Thermos company (USA)
November 2001 Corporate planning Department, President office, Administrative Division
April 2006 General manager of Secretariat Office (in charge of project promotion)
April 2013 General manager of Corporate Communications Department, Corporate Administration Division
April 2014 General manager of Project Department, Corporate Planning & Global Operations Division
November 2014 Deputy general manager of Corporate Planning & Global Operations Division
June 2015 Executive officer, deputy general manager of Corporate Planning & Global Operations Division
June 2018 Executive officer, general manager of Global Operations Division
October 2020 Executive officer, Group Corporate Planning Office
June 2021 Senior Executive Officer, Executive General Manager of Group Corporate Planning
June 2024 Senior Executive Officer, In charge of Strategic Projects (current)

Takeshi Miki

Senior Executive Officer
Senior Managing Executive Officer, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation


April 1986 Joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (at the time)
Head of Energy Conservation Measures Department, Head of Product Safety Department, Head of Chemical Control Department
Also served as head of Examination Department, Patent Office, Deputy Assistant Minister of the Minister’s Secretariat (in charge of Industrial Safety), and others
July 2017 Retired from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
December 2017 Joined the Company. General manager of Technological Affairs Division
June 2018 Executive officer, deputy general manager of Technological Affairs Division
June 2019 Executive officer, general manager of Technological Affairs Division, Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)
October 2020 Executive officer, Group Technological Affairs & Environment Office, CSO, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation; Executive officer, general manager of Technological Affairs Unit, project leader of KAITEKI Promotion Project, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
April 2021 Executive officer, Group Technological Affairs & Environment Office, CSO, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation; Senior executive officer, head of Technological Affairs Unit, project leader of KAITEKI Promotion Project, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
June 2021 Senior executive officer, Group Technological Affairs & Environment Office, CSO, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation; Senior executive officer, head of Technological Affairs Unit, project leader of KAITEKI Promotion Project, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
November 2021 Senior executive officer, general manager of Group Sustainability Management Office, CSO, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation; Senior executive officer, head of Technological Affairs Unit, project leader of KAITEKI Promotion Project, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
June 2023 Senior executive officer, general manager of Group Sustainability Management Office, CSO, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation; Senior managing executive officer, head of Technological Affairs Unit, leader of KAITEKI Promotion Committee, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation (current)

Alan David Draper

Senior Executive Officer


September 1993 Senior Accountant, Lumsden & McCormick, LLP
September 1996 Internal auditor, Praxair, Inc.
April 1999 Financial analyst, Praxair, Inc.
June 2000 Finance manager Global Supply Systems, Praxair, Inc.
June 2002 North Region, controller, Praxair, Inc.
May 2004 Director of Revenue and Volume, Praxair, Inc.
June 2005 Director of Accounting and Operations Controller, Praxair, Inc.
March 2009 Finance director & global controller, Praxair Surface Technologies
December 2014 VP Finance, IT, & Operational Excellence, Praxair Surface Technologies
April 2017 VP Finance, Praxair Euroholding S.L.
December 2018 CFO, TNSC Euro-Holding S.L.U. (now Nippon Gases Euro-Holding S.L.U.)
October 2020 Executive officer & CFO of the Company
June 2023 Senior Executive officer & CFO of the Company (current)

Yutaka Okuda

Senior Executive Officer,
Senior Executive Officer, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation


April 1986 Joined Kokusai Electric Co., Ltd. (now Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.)
February 1998 Joined Nippon Philips Co. Ltd. (now Philips Japan, Ltd.)
January 2006 General manager of Legal Affairs Department, Philips Japan, Ltd.
June 2008 Joined the Company, deputy general manager of Legal Affairs Department, General Affairs Division
April 2012 General manager of Legal Affairs Department, General Affairs Division
July 2015 General manager of Legal Affairs Department
October 2020 Officer of Group Legal Office, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation; General manager of Legal Affairs Department, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
June 2022 Executive Officer, Executive General Manager of Group legal, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation; General manager of Legal Affairs Division, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
June 2024 Senior Executive Officer, Executive General Manager of Group legal, Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation; General manager of Legal Affairs Division, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation (current)

Kazuhiko Nishikawa

Executive Officer,
Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation GCCO


April 1986 Joined Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Limited (now Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation)
January 2013 Manager of Regal Affairs Group, Administration Office, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation (now Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation)
April 2017 Board Chairman & President, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
April 2018 Associate Director, General Manager of Administration Department, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
April 2021 President and Chief Executive Officer, Dia Rix Corporation
May 2023 Joined the Company
June 2023 Executive officer, CCO (Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation GCCO), with responsibility for groupwide internal control (current)

Koichiro Kubo

Executive Officer


April 1989 Joined the Company
October 2004 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc Treasurer
April 2014 General Manager, Corporate Planning, Corporate Planning & Global Operations
October 2020 Senior General Manager, Corporate & Business Planning, Group Corporate Planning
April 2023 Senior General Manager, Group Corporate Planning
June 2024 Executive officer, Executive General Manager, Group Corporate Planning (current)

Masayoshi Omichi

Executive Officer


April 1990 Joined the Company
July 2005 Nippon Sanso Taiwan, Inc. Sales Director
June 2019 General Director, Vietnam Japan Gas Joint Stock Company (now Nippon Sanso Vietnam Joint Stock Company)
October 2023 Senior General Manager of Corporate & Business Planning of Group Corporate Planning
June 2024 Executive officer, Senior General Manager of Corporate & Business Planning of Group Corporate Planning (current)

Teiichiro Sawa

Executive Officer


April 1991 Joined the Company
October 2004 Vice President, Dalian Taiyo Nippon Sanso Gas Co., Ltd
July 2011 President, Shanghai Taiyo Nippon Sanso Gas Co., Ltd
January 2014 General Manager, Planning Dept. Overseas Operations Div. Industrial Gases
April 2016 Executive Director, Leeden National Oxygen Limited
April 2023 Managing Director, Leeden National Oxygen Limited
June 2024 Executive Officer, Managing Director, Leeden National Oxygen Limited (current)

Skills Matrix of Corporate Officers
(Members of the Board of Directors)