
Nippon Sanso Holdings (NSHD) observes relevant laws, regulations, and international rules at all times, working with integrity to treat all stakeholders fairly and impartially.

Compliance Promotion

NSHD Group has determined a basic compliance policy for our group and established organizations and regulations to ensure its effectiveness. Specifically, we have a Group Chief Compliance Officer (GCCO), appointed by the Board of Directors, who appoints Regional Chief Compliance Officers (RCCOs) in Japan and seven regions overseas. Under the direction and supervision of the GCCO, the RCCOs conduct compliance promotion activities based on the characteristics of each region and business.
In addition, the Group has global compliance management regulations, which stipulate matters regarding the establishment of a compliance promotion structure and the roles of each organization and position, matters regarding response to compliance violations, and matters regarding the whistleblower system. We strive to conduct unified global management of compliance.

Compliance Promotion Structure

Creation of a Committee Emblem

We have created an emblem for the Global Compliance Committee.

The Global Compliance Committee emblem, representing the NSHD Group’s compliance promotion

Compliance Initiatives

Compliance Education

The NSHD Group provides highly effective compliance education that is relevant to individual officers and employees by tailoring the education to the compliance risks of each region. As one of our eight non-financial programs, we implement the Compliance Penetration Program, which has a compliance training participation rate of 100% (positioned as a basic training in each region and subject to mandatory training status for all employees).

Main Training in Each Region in FYE2024

Region Main training
Japan Compliance, harassment prevention, respect for human rights, anti-monopoly law, whistleblowing system, etc.
United States Core competency of employees: Workplace ethics and compliance initiatives, etc.
Europe Code of Conduct, etc.
Australia Code of Conduct, etc.
Southeast Asia and India Compliance week: Compliance, Code of Conduct, internal reporting, bribery prevention and corruption prevention, etc.
East Asia Code of Conduct, compliance structure and functions, whistleblowing system, workplace harassment, anti-monopoly law, etc.
Taiwan To ensure a respected workplace: Harassment, personal information prevention law, Code of Conduct, etc.

Compliance Awareness Survey

The NSHD Group has conducted a compliance awareness survey to visualize the level of compliance awareness and degree of penetration among officers and employees, and to help compliance promotion activities. The survey results are provided as feedback to each region, where they are used to propose various local compliance measures.

Whistleblowing System

The NSHD Group has clarified its rules concerning its whistleblowing system and made these known throughout each Group company. It has also prepared whistleblowing systems in each region and secured a system to enable reporting of any actual or possible compliance violations discovered without receiving any disadvantageous treatment.