The Nippon Sanso Holdings Group Philosophy has the tagline “The Gas Professionals.” To nurture such professionals
with a sense of mission and a desire to contribute to society and the world, it is important to focus on the qualities
of health, integrity, and resourcefulness. These values have been inherited by us from the time of its
predecessor, the former Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation. Each operating company will focus on these essential
qualities, making reference to its own unique values as well and modifying them into a concept that is easy to
understand. Since health, integrity, and resourcefulness are shared by all Group companies, including Thermos, which
operates globally, employees say that they find them easy to understand.
Strategy for Improving Employee Engagement
Our group is making a focused effort to improve employee engagement by sharing and understanding the Group
Philosophy and Group Vision. As a group that operates globally, we have taken measures to advance employee engagement
such as promoting human resource exchange programs, diversity and inclusion, and improving our personnel systems.
From the perspective of diversity and inclusion, from FYE2023, we have set “rate of female employees” and “rate of
female management posts” as non-financial KPIs for the first time. We will not only strive to expand
opportunities for participation by female employees but also to create an organization and systems befitting a global
company. In addition, with regard to improving employee engagement, we are currently conducting a global employee
engagement survey, the results of which will be reflected in our human resource strategies going forward.