
Preconditions for the Existence of an Enterprise and Key Issues

Preconditions for the Existence of an Enterprise

  • Respect for Human Rights
  • Safety and Security
  • Corporate Ethics

Key Issues

Background and Objective for Review of Materiality

  • Since 2015, when the previous material issues were identified, social awareness of sustainability and global environmental issues has increased, and our corporate structure has changed dramatically.
  • Under the holding company structure, we have newly identified priority issues globally with an awareness of regional company business and social contribution initiatives, to clarify the issues that need to be addressed globally.
  • We manage and disclose the status of progress on issues that we should address (materiality) using the KPIs set out in medium-term management plan NS Vision 2026. This enables us to strengthen and enhance our initiatives to help resolve issues.

Materiality Identification Process

  1. Extraction of issues

    We identified approximately environmental and social issues related to our business activities, making reference to international guidelines such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines, the United Nations Global Compact, and ISO 26000, as well as the SDGs and evaluation points used by environmental, social, and governance (ESG) evaluation organizations.

  2. Internal survey and identification of materiality candidates

    We conducted a global employee survey to confirm consistency and appropriateness with each region’s business and to quantitatively evaluate the level of importance on two axes: “stakeholders” and “us.”

  3. Internal discussion and decision

    The Management Committee, Global Strategy Review Committee, and the Board of Directors discuss the appropriateness and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the material issues and their prioritization, and create a materiality matrix.

  4. Approval

    Identified with Board approval.