Initiatives for Biodiversity

TNFD*1: Task Force on Climate-related Financial

Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation has decided to participate in the TNFD Forum*2 and registered as a TNFD Adopter*3 in August 2024. We have positioned "preservation of biodiversity" as a key aspect in our materiality and have been working to conserve the natural environment and biodiversity. We will continue to analyze and examine our information disclosure in line with the TNFD's information disclosure framework to
promote our measures for the preservation of biodiversity.
The NSHD Group will keep its efforts in making contribution to a sustainable society by providing values to customers and society while taking the global environment into consideration and working to solve social issues. 

*1 TNFD:
An international initiative established in June 2021 to appropriately assess and disclose how companies and organizations depend on and give impact on nature’s assets and biodiversity in their business activities.
*2 TNFD Forum:
A network in which companies and organizations with expertise in a wide range of fields participate and support the construction of an information disclosure framework based on TNFD.

*3 TNFD Adopter:
A company or organization that has registered its intention, on the TNFD Website, to make public disclose aligned with the TNFD Recommendations issued in September 2023. Registered companies and organizations need to make disclosures in line with the TNFD Recommendations in respect of their fiscal year of 2024 or 2025.

Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation

We have participated in “Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation” in January 2024. We agree with the whole idea and purpose of “Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy,” and will continue to promote business activities that contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.

Participated in OIST Coral Project by Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University as Special Partner

Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation has joined as a special partner the OIST Coral Project by the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), which has taken a leading role in conserving coral reefs in Okinawa and around the world. We will support activities to conserve coral reefs in Okinawa and around the world through coral reef monitoring using eDNA technology established by the OIST and research using genome analysis technology.
For coral conservation activities in Okinawa, Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation, a domestic gas industry company
of NSHD, will participate in local coral reef conservation activities.



With Prof. Mr. Sato (second from left) at OIST 

Photo with Prof. Mr. Timothy Rabasi (third from left) at OIST